Call for papers for the 10th Congress

Dear Colleagues,
The Organizing Committee of the International Congress of Belarusian Studies is pleased to announce the Call for papers for the 10th Congress, to be held on September 30 - October 2, 2022, in Kaunas, Lithuania.
In 2022, the Congress will address 13 research areas, including all major social and humanitarian disciplines: history, international relations and political science, sociology, linguistics, literary studies and others.
The Congress is the premier annual academic event of Belarus which brings together all the major intellectual centers for the study of Belarusian society, politics and culture. In addition, the Congress provides an excellent opportunity to develop new viable research and civic projects, exchange views and ideas, and establish informal contacts with representatives of the academic and expert communities of Belarus and other countries.
The mission of the Congress is to develop a community of scientists, analysts and experts, as well as to promote a deeper understanding of Belarus in the academic circles on a national, regional and global level.
To take part in the Congress as a speaker, please fill in the ONLINE FORM and submit your abstract of 2000-4000 characters. Deadline: May 15, 2022.
Please note that each applicant may submit only ONE abstract. During the Congress it will not be possible to make two presentations.
To express support for Ukraine, that is heroically resisting Russian military aggression, all participants from Ukraine and Ukrainians who were forced to flee their country because of war are exempt from the registration fee. Participants from Belarus and Belarusians affected by the war in Ukraine or by the politically motivated repressions in Belarus, as well as those who have taken a principled stand on these issues, are also exempt from the fee.
The сall for participation of guests and journalists, as well as the сall for presentation of scientific, cultural, publishing and other projects will be announced soon.
The Organizing Committee