The Ninth Congress
Kaunas, October 1 - 3, 2021

Organizing Committee
Andrej Kazakievič (Political Sphere) – Chief organizer.
Rūstis Kamuntavičius (Grand Duchy of Lithuania Institute, Vytautas Magnus University) – Chief organizer from the Lithhanian side, administrator of the Congress' internet site.
Aliaksiej Lastoŭski (Political Sphere) – Scientific part (Congress award, program, discussions, etc).
Kiryl Haroška (Political Sphere) – Communication with the participants of the Congress, evaluation of their applications, coordination of photo–video activities, volunteers and info-point.
Tomasz Błaszczak (Vytautas Magnus University, Grand Duchy of Lithuania Institute) – Visa issues and communication in Polish language.
Daria Cusitcaia (Bologna University) – Communication with non-Belarusian participants of the Congress; Translation of Congress materials into English.
Map of the Venue