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Dear Colleagues!

On behalf of the organizing committee of the International Congress of Belarusian Studies, we have to inform you about the difficult financial situation with the Congress, which is scheduled for September 22-24 in Gdańsk.

To our great regret and completely unplanned for us, the main partners who financially supported the Congress, significantly reduced their aid for this year. This is despite the fact that prices have risen significantly across the region.

The main mission of the Congress is to gather a large number of scientists and experts of various disciplines, to create a space for community communication. But the situation this year puts the concept at risk. The Organizing Committee even raised the question of canceling the Congress this year.

After a long discussion, we are forced to significantly reduce the number of subsidies for accommodation and transport, as well as to transfer part of the sections to the online mode. This decision is very difficult for us because it destroys the traditional format of the event, but at the moment we have no other choice. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the difficult situation in which the organizing team of the Congress found itself.

The following sections are brought online:

  • 9. Philology

  • 10. Historical and cultural heritage

  • 11. Culture and cultural studies

Organizing committee

International Congress of Belarusian Studies



Lithuania Belarus
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