Call for Papers
for the 9th Congress
The organizing committee is pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the 9th International Congress of Belarusian Studies to be held on October 1-3 in Kaunas (Lithuania).
In 2021, the Congress will address 12 research areas (panels), including the following social and humanistic disciplines: history, international relations and political science, sociology, linguistics, literature, and others.
The deadline to submit your proposal is May 17, 2021.
The Congress is the premier event of Belarus which every year brings together all the major intellectuals and researchers on Belarusian society, politics and culture. In addition, the Congress provides a platform to develop new viable research and civic projects, exchange views and ideas, and establish informal connections with the representatives of the academic and expert community of Belarus and other countries.
Our Mission is to develop a network of scientists, analysts, and experts, as well as to promote a deeper understanding of Belarus in the academic circles on a national, regional and global level.
To present your research at the Congress, please fill in the ONLINE FORM before May 17, 2021.
Abstracts should have a total length between 2000 and 4000 characters.
Further information regarding the participation of guests and journalists, as well as the organization of various types of projects and exhibitions will be announced soon.