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Congress Award for the best scientific publications in 2021

Updated: Mar 17

On October 1, 2022, at the International Congress of Belarusian Studies were announced Awards for the best scientific publications in 2021.

The names of the winners:

History (monographs):

Ірына Раманава

Клеймение Красного Дракона: 1937–1939 гг. в БССР. - Москва: РОССПЭН, 2021.

History (articles)

Аляксандр Пагарэлы

Humanities (monographs)

Алесь Суша

Беларускi Буквар у нацыянальнай і сусветнай прасторы. - Мінск: Беларуская энцыклапедыя імя Петруся Броўкі, 2021.

Humanities (articles)

Вольга Лабачэўская

Патрыятычная міфалогія беларускага арнаменту прафесара М. С. Кацара // Беларускі фальклор: матэрыялы і даследаванні: зб. навук. пр. – Мінск : Беларуская навука, 2021. – Вып. 8. – С. 9–44.

Social and Political sciences (articles)

Таццяна Кулакевіч

(with Aaron Augsburger) “Contested elections, protest, and regime stability: comparing Belarus and Bolivia”. Canadian Slavonic Papers. 2021, Vol. 63, No. 3–4, 316–337.

Polish monograpghs on Belarusian topics (2016-2021)

Томаш Блашчак

Białorusini w Republice Litewskiej 1918-1940. Białystok, 2017.

English articles on Belarusian topics written by foreign authors (2020-21)

Уладзімір Арцюх (Украіна)

Thanks to the sponsors: the Belarusian Charitable Foundation (London) and the Kipel family (USA)!

Congratulations to all the winners! A corresponding monetary reward awaits them!



Lithuania Belarus
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