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Call for papers for the 11th International Congress of Belarusian Studies (till 15.05.2023)

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

The Organising Committee of the International Congress of Belarusian Studies is pleased to announce the Call for papers for the 11th Congress, to be held on September 22-24, 2023, in Gdańsk, Poland. The main Polish partners of the 11th Congress are the Museum of the Second World War in Gdańsk, the European Solidarity Centre, and the National Maritime Museum in Gdańsk.

In 2023, the Congress will address 14 research areas (Panels), including all major social and humanitarian disciplines: history, international relations and political science, sociology, linguistics, literary studies and others.

The Congress is the premier annual academic event of Belarus which brings together all the major intellectual centres for the study of Belarusian society, politics and culture. In addition, the Congress provides an excellent opportunity to develop new viable research and civic projects, exchange views and ideas, and establish informal contacts with representatives of the academic and expert communities of Belarus and other countries.

The mission of the Congress is to develop a community of scientists, analysts and experts, as well as to promote a deeper understanding of Belarus in the academic circles on a national, regional and global level.

To take part in the Congress as a speaker, please fill in the ONLINE FORM and submit your abstract of 2000-4000 characters. Deadline: May 15, 2023.

The main working languages of the Congress are Belarusian and English. Additionally, Polish, Ukrainian, Russian and Lithuanian may be used as working languages.

Please note that each applicant may submit only ONE abstract. During the Congress it will not be possible to give two presentations.

To express support for Ukraine, that is heroically resisting Russian military aggression, all participants from Ukraine and Ukrainians who were forced to flee their country because of war are exempt from the registration fee. Participants from Belarus and Belarusians affected by the war in Ukraine or by the politically motivated repressions in Belarus, as well as those who have taken a principled stand on these issues, are also exempt from the fee.

The сall for participation of guests and journalists, as well as the сall for presentation of scientific, cultural, publishing and other projects will be announced soon.


1. International Relations. Regional Security

1.1. Russian Policy toward Belarus after 2020. At a Turning Point?

1.2. Belarus – Ukraine: how to establish dialogue for mutual understanding

1.3. Difficult neighbourhood-Belarusians and the international environment

2. Politics. Political institutes

2.1. Public Interests in Public Administration: interaction between citizens and the state, civic participation and public services

2.2. Lessons from the Polish "Solidarity" for the "Belarusian revolution" of 2020

3. Society and social institutions

3.1. Civil Society Studies

3.2. Public opinion studies in the Belarusian society in Belarus and in the diaspora

4. Economics

4.1. ESG: Turning a War into a Dear Mother-in-Law. A Glimpse at Business Behavior during the Crisis Period.

4.2. Relocation of Belarusian business

5. Political philosophy

5.1. Decolonisation of Belarus: experience and interaction of diaspora and metropole

5.2. Ethics of care and social reproduction at the times of moral catastophe

5.3. Transdisciplinary Trauma Studies: Trauma Through Contemporary and Historical Perspectives

5.4. Critical theory in the context of contemporary social transformations

6. Education and science

6.1. Modern concepts of national education

7. History of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

7.1. The Custom of Glorious Ancestors: A Military History of Eastern Europe

7.2. Parliamentarianism in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 16th and 18th centuries.

7.3. Elites in the Ukrainian-Bilorusian Historical Relations (17th-18th centuries)

7.4. Grand Duchy of Lithuania: History of Research in 2004-2023 (Research Topics, Methods and Tools)

7.5. The Metric of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania as an Artifact of the State

8. History

8.1. An Entangled History of Revolutions in East-Central Europe (1917-1923): National Cases

8.2. Poland and Belarus during the Second World War

8.3. The borderlands of Poland and the Belarusian SSR until September 17, 1939

8.4. The Pinsk Flotilla - history and heritage

8.5. Poland and Russia in the historical destiny of Ukraine-Lithuania-Belarus (ULB) in the 19th-21st centuries: biographical session

8.6. Vilnius and Vilnius region in the history and culture of Lithuania and Belarus

8.7. Oriental, Ancient and Medieval studies

8.8. Bielaruskaja sacyjalistyčnaja hramada and Belarusian Statehood

8.9. Mapping the Cultures of Resistance in Belarus and in Eastern Europe

9. Philology

9.1. Belarusian literature of the 19th century: problems of interpretation, source and attribution

9.2. Concept of motherland in the Belarusian linguistic worldview

9.3. Vanguard, search, tradition: assimilation and development

9.4. Images and Symbols through the Centuries: The Creative World of Belarusian Creators

9.5. Belarusian literature in the world: translations, publishing initiatives, international support in the situation of the war in Ukraine and political repressions in Belarus

9.6. Folk motives in the Polish and Belarusian literary and cultural concepts

9.7. The multi-vector nature of the literature and culture of Belarus in the 1920s and early 1930s

9.8. Belarusian glottodidactics: problems of teaching Belarusian as a foreign language in the context of cultures

9.9. Biblical Studies and the problems of academic Belarusian translation of the Bible

9.10. Belarusian lects through the lens of corpus linguistics

10. Historical and cultural heritage

10.1.Belarusian anthropology, ethnology, folkloristics: divisions and overcomings.

10.2. Traditional culture of Belarus - problems of preservation of tangible and intangible components.

10.3. Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage: Opportunities and Challenges

10.4. War and tangible cultural heritage: destruction and creation

10.5. Cultural heritage of the BSSR

10.6. Pressing issues in the Belarusian cultural heritage preservation

10.7. Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Ukrainian and Belarusian Border: (Not)New Research Approaches and Concepts

10.8. Historical and cultural heritage of the Old Believers of Eastern Europe

10.9. Bagpipes in Europe: history, influences and revival

11. Culture and cultural studies

11.1. Belarusian Art and Literature as Cultural Resistance

11.2. Belarusian Art of Turbulent Times

11.3. Belarusian Drama and the Тheater of the 2020s: Development Vectors, Names, Attempts to Get a Second Wind

12. War studies

12.1. Hybrid warfare of Russia against Ukraine: the deepening of the humanitarian crisis in the region

12.2. Military Science, Military History and Defence Studies

13. Law

13.1. Package for the development and completion of the Constitution project of the new Belarus

13.2. Constitutional process in the Republic of Belarus and human rights

13.3. Man as the main element of creating a new methodology of modern science (on the example of jurisprudence)

14. Media and Communications

14.1. Propaganda and Disinformation

14.2. War and the transformation of media hierarchy

14.3. Analysing Eastern European Protest Through Media Lenses: Cultures, Practices, and Symbols

14.4. Strategic communications in politics, business, society: challenges and trends



Lithuania Belarus
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