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Call for nominations for the Congress Award for the best scientific publication (by May 10, 2023)

The organizing committee of the International Congress of Belarusian Studies announces the call of nominations for the Award for the best scientific publication in the social and humanitarian disciplines field in 2022.

The purpose of the Award is to celebrate the best achievements in social, political and humanitarian sciences, encourage research, and promote improving the quality of scientific inquiry.

We invite representatives of the academic community to nominate the best scientific publications for the Congress Award and make their contribution to popularizing the achievements of Belarusian science and rewarding their authors for their achievements.

Proposals can be submitted to until May 10, 2023.

The award ceremony will occur on September 23, 2023, during the Eleventh International Congress of Belarusian Researchers in Gdańsk (Poland).

Sponsors of the Award: the Belarusian Charitable Foundation (London) and the Kipel family (USA).

The Award is announced in three nominations: – History; – Humanities; – Social sciences: political sciences, and sociology.

There are two separate competitions for scientific monographs and articles.

A Congress Award winner cannot be nominated in the same category for the next three years.



Lithuania Belarus
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